These Are The Health Benefits of Using Your Hot Tub Regularly
While most people enjoy the hot water of a hot tub, the wonder of these warming spas includes all the health benefits that come with their relaxing use (based on a variety of research linked to throughout the article).
Hot Tub Benefits
Stress & Anxiety Relief: The relaxing nature and spa treatments with mineral water generates both stress and anxiety relief. According to this report, hydrotherapy enhances bodily resistance to stressful factors. Another study indicates that hydrotherapy can help release the long stressful day, meaning the hot tub soak is a way to separate the moment from the stressful past.
Arthritis Pain Relief: In the first paper linked above, the research also shows the benefits of Hydrotherapy on those suffering from arthritis pain relief. It’s indicated that the warmth and mineral rich content provides this short term pain relief. Combined with some sort of physical exercise, this study indicates an even greater benefit for those with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Muscle Recovery and Faster Healing: Hot tubs provide a wonderful healing acceleration benefit according to this study. Not only do you get faster healing, but also experience a shorter period-of-time muscle soreness.
- Relieving Fibromyalgia Pain: For those suffering from Fibromyalgia, they can get relief due to the stimulated circulation. Muscles loosen up after blood flow increases resulting in less painful movement for those with this ailment, according to Consumer Affairs.
- Better Sleep Quality (While also decreasing blood pressure and heart rate): Bathing (scientifically known as balneotherapy) can statistically improve your tiredness and sleep score. According to Consumer Affairs, hot water decompresses joins increasing blood ciruclation while also lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Essentially a hot tub soak prepares you for a quality sleep state and provides additional benefits along the way.
- Preventing / Reducing Headaches / Migraine Pain: In combination with a cold compress, the cycle between the cold and a hot tub soak can alleviate the migraine pressure and tension providing you the pain relief needed. By soaking in the hot spa before the tension triggered migraine begins, you can prevent or minimize the pain that would have followed.
- Lower Blood Sugar Levels: Especially important for diabetics, hot tubs have the ability to help lower blood sugar levels. According to the Huffington Post, Hot Tub users were better able to control their blood sugar levels 24 hours following their activity. After eating and soaking, their peak blood sugar levels were ten percent lower than those who did not sit in the hot tub.
In addition to these benefits, you can also expect to physically profit from using a hot tub with aided weight loss support, the minimization of health risks (for athletes), keeping your body clean, faciliating community and relationship building, and improving individual confidence.
We all enjoy a great warm soak in the hot tub, but its these numerous health benefits that transform an enjoyable activity to one that improves our physical and mental health.
There Are Risks & Warnings
While there can be tremendous benefits to using a hot tub, the relaxing resource does also come with a set or risks, particularly with pregnant women and young children. We recommend you check your hot tub’s manual for details on where the risk lies and when your safe to use the spa.
Make That Hot Tub Like New, Again
If you want to embrace and continue receiving these health benfits, you can affordably extend the life of your hot tub or get that broken one working again with the Apollo 11 Digital Spa Pack Replacement. Click here to learn more.